
Entity Definition

Logical Name : SupplierItemCatalogBaseCostBreak
Physical Name : CO_BRK_SPR_ITM_BS

The supplier's quantity adjusted catalog base cost (the cost before any promotions, allowances, charges, discounts, etc.) for the SUPPLIER ITEM. This entity supports price breaks provided for buying larger quantities of an item.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
SupplierID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Supplier. ID_SPR Identity integer SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost(AS_CST_SPR_ITM_BS)
SupplierItemCostPerUnitTypeCode (FK)(PK) Defines the unit type the owned attribute costs are assigned to for this item. Valid unit types include: SALE UNIT, PACK UNIT and SHIP UNIT. A single SUPPLIER ITEM may in effect have 1 to three SUPPLIER ITEM BASE COST entities associated with it. TY_UN_CST Code2 char(2) SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost(AS_CST_SPR_ITM_BS)
SupplierItemID (FK)(PK) The code assigned by the supplier to uniquely identify the ITEM ID_ITM_SPR Identity integer SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost(AS_CST_SPR_ITM_BS)
SupplierItemUnitBreakPointCount (PK) The break point in units at which a further discount can be attained by the retailer. QU_PNT_UND_BRK Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
CostPerUnitAmount The revised cost price for each unit when the break point has been attained. CP_PNT_BRK_BS_CST MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost is reduced to SupplierItemCatalogBaseCostBreak

Logical Views containing SupplierItemCatalogBaseCostBreak

Logical View
Logical 01500 - Item Supplier View